This striking shade perennial has bold, gold-colored leaves, which really pop and shine, helping it stand out in a shady location. And bonus, that gold coloring will become even brighter in the morning sun. Even more, the leaves are a bit puckered, adding nice textural interest.

Not only does this beauty have creds (she was the National Rose of the Year in 2020), the Oso Easy Double Red® Rose is a hard worker, putting out double petals for a lush, luxurious look. She also blooms all summer and is disease resistant.

When you’re out shopping for flowers at Reston Farm Garden Market, you’ll notice a large selection of our Proven Winners plants are now packaged in Eco+ Grande® and Eco+ Quart® pots.

The Denim ‘n Lace Russian Sage is an award-winner and one of “Garden Answer” Laura’s personal favorites. Their lacy-like, bright, sky-blue flowers bloom an exceptionally long time, and are a favorite of hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Plus… both flowers and leaves are quite fragrant!

The Summerific® “Holy Grail” Rose Mallow, a hibiscus hybrid, has incredibly large flowers that are stunning not only because of their size, but also because of their rich, deep-red color. And then there’s the foliage…

When it comes to flowers, blue is always a harder color to find. Which is just one reason why the Blue Chiffon® Rose of Sharon is such a spectacular plant. Plus, they just cover the plant when they start to bloom about mid-summer usually lasting right through our first hard frost.