Where to Find Us

We are located near the corner of Baron Cameron Avenue and Leesburg Pike adjacent to the community of Reston, VA. We look forward to seeing you here!


Main Location

10800 Baron Cameron Ave.
Reston, VA 20190

Daily Hours: 10am – 5pm

(703) 759-0000

See locations for our seasonal Neighborhood Garden Markets.

Reston Farm Garden Market Logo

Feel free to drop us a line using our contact form. Any suggestions, experiences, or questions are welcome.

Otherwise, stop by and say hi at the market!


Good News for Plant Lovers, Gardeners and DIYers

Find helpful articles on gardening, plants, how-tos and more.

The Garden Groove logo with icons

Hey friend, we're on a mission to help grow your success with plants and gardening, hook you up with locally-sourced food and tasty treats, and have fun!

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We are the legendary Reston Farm Garden Market, originally established in 1976. Located in Reston, Virginia, we’re passionate about serving our local Northern Virginia community by providing premium annuals, perennials, natives, herbs, veggie plants, and shrubs; organic gardening supplies; locally-sourced farm-fresh goods, and family fun. We hope to see you soon!

Reston Farm Garden Market is a Master Nursery Garden Center

© Reston Farm Garden Market LLC. All rights reserved. Brand & website design by Red Chalk Studios.