Sweater weather? Yes! Time for planting tropicals in containers? No!
Fall IS the time for those hardier plants that can tolerate (even enjoy) the cooler temps we’re starting to experience.
So what are the perfect plants for this time of year? Oh, do we have some suggestions…

Or, ahem, chrysanthemums if we’re going to be formal. From the dainty ones that are perfect on your fall table to the giants that can grow as wide as two feet, mums are the powerful color punch in your fall display.
They come in seasonal shades of red, orange, yellow, peach, and white, as well as contrasting shades of pink.
These popular fall beauties can be the star in your garden or in container groupings. Reston Farm Garden Market is definitely not mum about mums!

Don’t you just love their sweet faces? These delicate-looking lovelies are wonderfully versatile and heavy blooming, and many consider them the perfect fall flower.
Bonus: Plant pansies in the fall and in more protected areas, they’ll come back to bloom again in the spring.
Bonus-bonus: Their blossoms are edible and look lovely in salads and as cake decorations.

They look like small pansies, right? But there are a few differences, including having more blooms per plant. And because the blossoms on violas are smaller, they’re hardier, holding up better to weather and temperature swings than pansies.
Plus, they come in just about every color, giving you months of beauty!

Flowering Kale
It’s also called flowering cabbage, and is one of the toughest plants of all for fall. In fact, it holds up well to cooler temps now, and frosty temps later, looking good all winter long!
One of the best things about flowering kale is that it provides dramatic texture and pairs well with so many of our other fall flowers. But please don’t add flowering kale to your dinner menu; this kale is ornamental only and just not tasty. (Don’t ask us how we know that.)

Look at those colors! Croton is ideal for autumn. Enjoy its flamboyant foliage in rich shades of red, orange, yellow, and (what?) purple. You can consider it an annual in your fall garden, or put it in a container and move it inside as a houseplant once the temps really drop.
There are many other beautiful fall plants we love including celosia, purple fountain grass, asters and dianthus.
As the days are growing shorter and cooler, it’s time to look at what should be growing in our fall gardens.
Come in to the Garden Market and get excited about our gorgeous fall plants and the supplies you might need to keep them looking their best. Yay for fall!